I have put up a negative title. But, this seems nearer to reality and practicality than the slogans, jingoism and homages ! Heads have started rolling. The politicians, even though cautious of public outrage, have begun their blame games. The Men-in-Black(NSG), the regular khakhis and the 'Marcos'(Marine Commandos) were real heroes and it was a job well done.
Well, is it the time to blame anyone ? yes, without doubt some of the authorities were lax ( Navy chief, Mah CM, etc have all admitted to lack of preparation for this kinda havoc !). But still, one needs to realize, that India is (and will be) , a soft target. George Bush may have been ridiculed to a huge extent over his handling of Iraq and 9/11. But, he hasn't let his country fall prey to another such attack, over the past seven years. Should the Indian heads adopt this attitude and bomb the hell out of terrorist areas ? Only time and results can tell. But, there is a big challenge for India. Economic crisis, and terrorist attacks make a deadly combo. Lets stand together, its not one party, one religion, one state issue. Lets give one more chance to the leaders to prove their mettle. Last, but not the least, JAI HIND.